Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Tips & Effective Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads Naturally Quickly

Tips & Effective Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads Naturally Quickly

Cleaning Blackheads is a routine that is often done by some people to clean their face from blackheads themselves, so they can make their face bright and comfortable. On the other hand, some may wonder about how to clean blackheads.

So there may be a question that says "Is removing blackheads difficult and should be done in a salon or treatment center?"

Well, the answer is of course not always like that, because the admin can also clean blackheads every 2 weeks / once a month and even then it is enough to do it at home using makeshift tools.

But before discussing further, it helps us understand "What are blackheads???"

Blackheads are clogged pores, blackheads themselves are divided into 2 types, which can be open or closed. Open comedones (Blackheads) usually look like enlarged and blackened pores, this type of comedone is the most common comedone experienced by most people. Closed comedones (whiteheads) have skin that grows above the clogged pores so that they look like small white bumps.

In general, this type of blackhead acne is caused by less fertile skin cells and excessive oil gland secretion on the skin. Therefore, we need to clean it regularly to maintain facial cleanliness.

Well. If you already know the brief explanation of blackheads, and are ready to clean blackheads, here are tips and simple ways to clean blackheads:

Prepare the following tools:


-Cleaning Blackheads / Nail Cleaning Tool


* These three tools are more than enough to clean blackheads effectively.

* Make sure the hands or tools used to clean blackheads are sterile and clean.

In general, cleaning blackheads can be done in 2 ways, namely doing a finger massage on blackheads, or using a certain blackhead extractor.

Tutorial How to Clean Blackheads:

1. Before cleaning blackheads, apply toothpaste to the face first (make sure the face is dry) not too much because it is a bit hot, but this step can also be skipped if you are afraid of heat or allergies.

2. Next, gently massage the points on your face to make them weak first, then tighten your skin by doing facial movements like “A,I,U,E,O, to make blackheads more visible.

3. If so, continue to clean it with the tools provided by applying vertical pressure gently around the blackheads. If none of the contents come out, the fingers are moved to another location around the blackhead. If the fat starts to come out, gently press it in several places (using two opposite fingers) until all of the contents come out.

4. Clean carefully, then the blackheads will be swept away by your nails, and rub into the hands or feet of the blackheads that have been successfully cleaned, so that the results are more visible how many blackheads you have.

5. Do it continuously at the points where blackheads such as the nose, under the mouth and above the lips. After that, remove / clean the blackheads that have come out with a soft and sterile textured cloth or with clean nails.

6. After cleansing, please massage your face again slowly and with gentle movements, so that the next face is ready to be rinsed with water.

If you have practiced it, your face will feel lighter because the blackheads and dirt have more or less disappeared. Don't forget to always keep your face clean by not sleeping on your stomach and wearing a mask while on the road. May be useful.

How To Make Chubby and Toned Cheeks

How To Make Chubby and Toned Cheeks

Chubby or thin cheeks have a different definition for everyone, because there are those who like thin cheeks, there are also those who prefer chubby cheeks. This is of course based on their respective reasons, for example to beautify the appearance and adjust it to make it look fit and appropriate. , although actually chubby cheeks or not does not matter.

"In this case, the changes to be achieved must be carried out normally without having to do strange things that are prohibited and have side effects"

Well, but based on research, it's much easier to make thin cheeks than chubby, so to make chubby cheeks, you have to work harder than thin your cheeks.

Then how to make chubby cheeks?

Chubby cheeks are not something that is too difficult because it is related to a person's weight, chubby cheeks are usually owned by fat people and thin cheeks are owned by ordinary people or ideal weight. So for those of you who want to make your cheeks chubby, this is closely related to increasing your weight.

As for some ways to make chubby cheeks are:


It is undeniable that exercise can provide many benefits for body fitness problems, one of which is swelling of the cheeks, this happens because when exercising, our bodies or the muscles in our bodies will be trained. It makes the cheeks and other body parts firmer and fitter. but adjust the type of exercise so that the cheeks are maximized.

2. Drink Milk or Honey

Basically pure cow's milk contains 25% fat, carbohydrates, protein, calcium, omega 3 etc., so it will help the process of forming chubby cheeks, because the nutritional content is quite okay. There are several milks that you can try, including "pure cow's milk, canned milk, milo and l-men"

In addition, honey can also be consumed to plump the cheeks, because it is said to also contain many nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals that are good for supporting fitness.

3. Taking supplements

There are several weight gain supplements that will make the cheeks more chubby, usually these supplements are included in the category of weight gain supplements, so that if consumed will also increase the chubby cheeks. For example, spirulina plus and fish oil, but it should be underlined, taking supplements without exercise will be more difficult to maximize.

Therefore, exercise too, and before taking supplements, make sure the supplements you take are registered with the BPOM or local government and do not conflict with everyone's rules and taboos, so consume them in moderation, and should not be excessive.

By doing this, of course, the cheeks will be fuller because in addition to being fitter they are also motivated by nutrition, with a note that the diet must also be regular at the same time according to the normal levels of each individual.

So, those are some ways to make your cheeks more chubby, do it properly and if you can, also try to go directly to a nutritionist to make it more optimal, and hopefully it will be useful.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

5 Ways to Relieve / Overcome Sore Throats

5 Ways to Relieve / Overcome Sore Throats

Sore throat (pharyngitis) is a position where the throat will feel a little sore when swallowing, even swallowing saliva though. This usually happens because a person will catch a cold, so a sore throat is something that is usually experienced the first time, and tends to have a runny nose and cough afterward.

"So you need to know, to deal with sore throat also can't be done instantly, for example after taking medicine and recovering immediately. There are several paths that must be passed to be able to relieve and then treat it.”

Therefore, the following admin writes some ways to overcome and relieve sore throat:

1. Gargle/Drink Warm Water Mixed with Salt

By drinking warm water mixed with salt or gargling with salt water, the throat will feel more relaxed and not stiff, this is likely due to the warm and salty effect it produces. So rinse your mouth as often as possible and if you drink it, drink it in a reasonable amount, not too much. Oh yes, these tips are obtained from many people who have experienced strep throat.

2.Drink Herbal Drinks

There are 2 herbal drinks that can be bought at the shop, and the most popular are Adem Sari or Triple Foot Cap, the Adem Sari drink is able to refresh the throat more because there is a semriwing effect that will be felt after drinking, and for the Triplet Cap, it just tastes like water, but he said it was also able to relieve sore throat.

3. Eat Throat Lozenges (Lozenge)

You can also try eating lozenges to relieve sore throat. This candy works to increase saliva production and keep your throat moist. Some lozenges can be a remedy for sore throat because most lozenges contain extracts of menthol, peppermint, or eucalyptus. These ingredients can provide a temporary cooling effect on your throat tissue because these three ingredients contain anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antiviral properties, making them suitable as a stimulant drug to encourage the healing process. This candy can relieve your itchy throat, although only temporarily but is very effective.

4.Take medicine or see a doctor

If for days it does not subside or you are no longer comfortable, you should immediately buy medicine at the pharmacy or check with your doctor to get maximum service and treatment. The admin intentionally didn't write down what kind of medicine was needed because it could be different for each person, so asking directly at the pharmacy was the right choice.

5. Get Enough Rest And Eat / Drink Nutritious

Rest is a natural remedy that can indirectly relieve your sore throat, because maybe you are too tired and eat carelessly, therefore eat and drink nutritious and don't forget to rest so that your sore throat will get better soon.

So that's 3 ways to relieve or cure sore throat, aka pangingen, hopefully it's useful.

Overcoming and Treating Hiccups Naturally

Overcoming and Treating Hiccups Naturally

Hiccup is a sudden involuntary contraction of the diaphragm or in the medical term for Hiccup is singultus and generally occurs repeatedly every few seconds or minutes. Hiccup is synonymous with repeated hic sound. Hiccup will generally resolve on its own, although there are ways to quickly relieve it and speed up healing .

I think almost everyone has experienced this, yes, Hiccup occurs usually when we are too hasty when eating or talking, laughing too hard, eating and drinking in large quantities or due to cold air around our body which is usually caused by ac or fan. Hiccup is also quite disturbing our activities when relaxing or when talking because hiccups will pause the process with a "geck" sound and the body will move.

To overcome this, there are several ways that are quite powerful to overcome them, including:

1.Drink Water Slowly

At the time of Hiccup, you can drink water while being held, because at that time Hiccup will be quite difficult to fight your body trying to stop it. This method needs to be done carefully so as not to choke.

2.Pull the tongue with the hand and rub the eyeball slowly.

Pulling the tongue with the hand and rubbing the eyeball slowly is recommended by Wikipedia, and maybe you can try to overcome Hiccup.

3.Sleep lying down with both knees bent towards the stomach.

In a sleeping position lying with your knees bent, maybe this position can also make Hiccup immediately subside, for whatever reason, but this method also doesn't hurt you to try.

4. Hold your breath regularly and Breathe calmly

Doing this can also eliminate your Hiccup feeling, because Hiccup will have difficulty attacking when the body holds its breath for a few moments repeatedly, because holding your breath increases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, so that Hiccup stops. I also repeatedly used this method when Hiccup and Alhamdulillah were successful.

Note: If Hiccup doesn't want to go away for a long time but has already practiced the above, it's better to consult directly with an expert.

Well, that's 4 tips to overcome Hiccup, hopefully useful.

How to Overcome Sleep Paralysis That Has Been Proven Successful

How to Overcome Sleep Paralysis That Has Been Proven Successful

Why do you often experience sleep paralysis ? 

Who has never experienced the phenomenon of Sleep Paralysis? I think everyone has experienced it, even if only once.

Monday, September 5, 2022

How to Delete, Add and Change Google Account (Gmail) on Android

How to Delete, Add and Change Google Account (Gmail) on Android

Ever wanted to add a google account? delete or replace on android but confused about how? Check out the following explanation >>>

A Google account or commonly called a gmail account is an account that is used to access various Google services in full such as GMAIL, YOUTUBE, MAPS and so on (as reported from the official website), the Google account also functions as a Google login master which consists of over email addresses and passwords, while allowing you to easily switch to any Google service like Google Adsense, Gmail and Google Play. That way, after logging in, you will continue to log in and don't have to go in and out between various services on Google products, of course this will make it easier for users.

Additionally a Google Account gives you quick access to settings and tools for managing your account using google products, as well as accessing other privacy and security controls if you have created or logged in to a google account.

Well, this Google account on Android is actually very easy to tinker with, it's just that the settings that are located a little hidden still make some users confused. In fact, usually users who want to tinker with Google accounts instead enter the Gmail, Playstore and so on, even though they are in the settings.

In addition, there are several user questions that are sometimes asked regarding the Google Account itself, including:

Can 1 Android phone use multiple Google accounts?

The answer is of course you can, google accounts tend to be unlimited, you can add google accounts ranging from units to tens in one cellphone at once.

Is by deleting a google account on android the email is also deleted?

No, deleting a ggoogle account on android is just logging out of the account, and the data of all google accounts can still be re-accessed if you log back in.

Okay, let's continue. If you already know about Google accounts and various things about Google accounts, this is how to add, delete and replace Google accounts on Android:

How to add google account on Android:

-Go to settings > account settings > add account > click google account > please sign in or create a google account, and the new account is automatically added successfully.

How to delete (Sign out) google account on Android:

Go to settings > account settings > click google, > select the account to be deleted > click the menu or arrow (Every cellphone can be different for clicking the account menu) > if you have continued with other clicks > and delete the account, the account will automatically deleted from your android.

How to change google account on Android:

To change a google account, you only need to delete the alias exit the account that already exists on your android, then add an account or login with another google account.

Well, those are some ways to tinker with google accounts on android, hopefully it's useful

Speed up Internet Connection ? Can it ? Here's How

Speed up Internet Connection ? Can it ? Here's How

A slow internet connection often interferes with browsing and work activities, from that reason, users will usually look for ways to speed up their internet connection. The question is., Is it possible????

Please note, Internet connection is closely related to the cellular card provider. Therefore, we must understand that . . . Their policy is closely related to the user's internet connection. An example is the policy in connection speed. From this we need to find out the average speed of the provider in our location first before discussing how to speed up the connection.

“For example, suppose Person A uses an Indosat Card with a speed of 3MBPS when downloading, and our cellphone only has 1 Mbps, even though person A is near us. So there are anomalies and need to be investigated, so that our internet connection still has the potential to be accelerated.”

it is different with the connection that has been implemented by the Indosat Ooreedo provider. If Indosat determines the maximum speed is 3 mbs and we want 7 mbps, it might just be a waste of time when we try to speed it up, because the way to increase internet speed also tends to be impossible. -The extreme method does not rule out the possibility that it can still be accelerated.

If you already understand this, here are things related to internet speed and you can try to apply it to speed up internet speed:

1. Signal Strength

Basically, every internet speed is closely related to the related cellphone signal strength, this is based on the signal function itself as a liaison between the internet and the user (smartphone) therefore, to maximize internet connection, first make sure the signal that appears on the cellphone you show a good signal. In addition, for a good internet connection, the network must show a minimum of 3G/Hsdpa, and for the best at this time is 4G.


A virtual private network aka VPN can also have an influence on internet speed, the article is that by using a VPN, the internet connection will have other connection lines that are safer and tend to be faster for foreign servers.

3.Use Ping to stabilize

Ping is often used to test the connection, by using a ping, it's like we are going to call an internet connection to carry out its duties, according to the admin, ping itself can help make the internet connection stable, how can that be? the reason is very simple, if when a user is browsing and focusing on a page, for example reading an article for a few minutes, the internet connection will tend to stop its function of downloading / uploading data, thus making the connection have a slow response for further browsing, but by using ping, a cell phone or computer will continuously download / upload so that the connection is more stable.

Well, that's about some of the things that must be understood in internet connection, and also some tips to speed up the connection, hopefully it helps.