Monday, September 5, 2022

Speed up Internet Connection ? Can it ? Here's How

A slow internet connection often interferes with browsing and work activities, from that reason, users will usually look for ways to speed up their internet connection. The question is., Is it possible????

Please note, Internet connection is closely related to the cellular card provider. Therefore, we must understand that . . . Their policy is closely related to the user's internet connection. An example is the policy in connection speed. From this we need to find out the average speed of the provider in our location first before discussing how to speed up the connection.

“For example, suppose Person A uses an Indosat Card with a speed of 3MBPS when downloading, and our cellphone only has 1 Mbps, even though person A is near us. So there are anomalies and need to be investigated, so that our internet connection still has the potential to be accelerated.”

it is different with the connection that has been implemented by the Indosat Ooreedo provider. If Indosat determines the maximum speed is 3 mbs and we want 7 mbps, it might just be a waste of time when we try to speed it up, because the way to increase internet speed also tends to be impossible. -The extreme method does not rule out the possibility that it can still be accelerated.

If you already understand this, here are things related to internet speed and you can try to apply it to speed up internet speed:

1. Signal Strength

Basically, every internet speed is closely related to the related cellphone signal strength, this is based on the signal function itself as a liaison between the internet and the user (smartphone) therefore, to maximize internet connection, first make sure the signal that appears on the cellphone you show a good signal. In addition, for a good internet connection, the network must show a minimum of 3G/Hsdpa, and for the best at this time is 4G.


A virtual private network aka VPN can also have an influence on internet speed, the article is that by using a VPN, the internet connection will have other connection lines that are safer and tend to be faster for foreign servers.

3.Use Ping to stabilize

Ping is often used to test the connection, by using a ping, it's like we are going to call an internet connection to carry out its duties, according to the admin, ping itself can help make the internet connection stable, how can that be? the reason is very simple, if when a user is browsing and focusing on a page, for example reading an article for a few minutes, the internet connection will tend to stop its function of downloading / uploading data, thus making the connection have a slow response for further browsing, but by using ping, a cell phone or computer will continuously download / upload so that the connection is more stable.

Well, that's about some of the things that must be understood in internet connection, and also some tips to speed up the connection, hopefully it helps.
